BY Staff WritersMay 23, 2024
3 weeks ago
 | May 23, 2024
3 weeks ago

Biden Cancels $7.7 Billion In Student Loans, Total Now $167 Billion

President Joe Biden has approved $7.7 billion in student loan debt forgiveness by significantly expanding his educational policies.

According to Daily Mail, this latest move impacts around 160,500 borrowers, increasing the total amount forgiven under his administration to $167 billion.

The Biden administration's efforts to alleviate the burden of student loans began shortly after his inauguration, setting a precedent with various relief measures.

Over 4.75 million Americans have benefited from these initiatives, marking a progressive step towards broader financial freedom for many impacted by substantial education-related debts.

On Wednesday, 160,500 new borrowers received the good news that their student loan debts were forgiven. These individuals fall into different categories, including those engaged in public service, participants in income-driven repayment plans, and others enrolled in the recently formulated SAVE plan.

Biden's Proactive Approach Despite Judicial Setbacks

President Biden has been resilient in his quest to reduce the financial strain of student loans, even facing significant legal and political challenges. The Supreme Court's decision on June 30, 2023, blocked Biden's original debt relief plan, yet the administration continued to find ways around the blockade to relieve debt.

Following the Supreme Court's ruling, a more arduous rule-making process was adopted. Despite these hindrances, the president and his team extended relief to millions, showcasing determination in the face of adversity.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona emphasized the administration's commitment: "The Biden-Harris Administration remains persistent about our efforts to bring student debt relief to millions more across the country, and this announcement proves it."

Recipients of this latest relief round include borrowers involved in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and those in the Biden administration's new initiatives like the SAVE plan. The latter has been particularly effective, notably offering $0 monthly payments to approximately 4.6 million borrowers.

Financial Implications and Ongoing Litigations

These programs don't come cheap. The Biden administration estimated the cost of the SAVE plan to be around $156 billion over ten years.

However, the Congressional Budget Office has projected a higher figure, approximately $230 billion. Despite this, the administration maintains that this expenditure is crucial to the nation's future workforce.

Simultaneously, more than a dozen Republican state Attorneys General have lodged lawsuits against these efforts. These legal actions manifest the intense controversy and political divide surrounding the issue of student loan forgiveness, making it a focal point of national debate.

Secretary Cardona also reflected on the impact on a personal level: "One out of every ten federal student loan borrowers approved for debt relief means one out of every ten borrowers now has financial breathing room and a burden lifted." This statement underscores the tangible benefits perceived by those directly affected.

The Broader Impact of Student Debt Forgiveness

Borrowers who benefited from Wednesday's announcement will soon be notified by email, and their debt cancellations will be processed in the following weeks.

President Biden discussed the extensive plans for student debt relief during a speech in Madison, Wisconsin. These plans illustrate a component of a larger strategy aimed at reforming aspects of higher education financing and reducing economic disparities exacerbated by debt.

The initiative is notable for its immediate benefits and its role in highlighting the ongoing national conversation about the value and accessibility of higher education. The administration's continued efforts to navigate legal complexities and opposition underscore a dedicated commitment to education reform.

In conclusion, the Biden administration's latest round of student loan forgiveness is part of a significant push toward reducing the financial burden of education debt in America.

Despite facing legal and political challenges, the administration has forgiven a total of $167 billion, affecting millions of borrowers. This effort aims to provide substantial relief and promote economic well-being among a significant portion of the U.S. populace while facing challenges from various sectors.

Written by: Staff Writers



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