BY Staff WritersMay 20, 2024
4 weeks ago
 | May 20, 2024
4 weeks ago

Zelenskyy Cancels Foreign Trips Amid Critical Ukraine Crisis

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has postponed all his upcoming international trips, indicating a critical juncture in Ukraine's war with Russia.

The Insider reported that Zelenskyy's cancellation of all his foreign trips indicates a critical situation in Ukraine. A Western analyst described the cancellations as a response to the increasing seriousness of events in the country.

Zelenskyy's Travel Cancellations Announced

The announcement of the postponed trips was made by Zelenskyy's press secretary, Sergii Nykyforov, in a Facebook post on Wednesday. Unnamed diplomatic sources told Spanish news agency EFE that a scheduled meeting with King Felipe VI of Spain was included in the cancellations.

Nykyforov did not provide specific reasons for the changes, but sources attributed the decision to the complexities of Ukraine's military situation. Zelenskyy was also expected to visit Portugal, but this is now deferred.

Military Situation Deteriorates for Ukraine

The current military situation in Ukraine is dire, with mounting concerns about potential Russian gains.

Former British tank regiment commander Hamish de Bretton Gordon warned that Russia could defeat Ukraine within months. He criticized the indecision of the US and NATO, claiming it has emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Ukraine has been defending a 620-mile front line with limited military aid. Rear defensive lines in parts of the Donetsk frontline, such as Avdiivka and Chasiv Yar, are nearly non-existent. Russian forces have made small but steady advances in these regions.

Kharkiv Faces New Offensive

Russia's new offensive in the northern region of Kharkiv adds further pressure on Ukraine. Ukrainian military intelligence head Kyryo Budanov confirmed the difficult situation, stating that all available forces are deployed in the region with no reserves left. "I've used everything we have," he added, highlighting the strain on Ukraine's defenses.

A Ukrainian commander reported missing fortifications in the Kharkiv town of Vovchansk, attributing the shortfall to negligence or corruption. Kharkiv Governor Oleh Syniehubov reported heavy bombardment in 30 settlements, resulting in the evacuation of over 5,700 civilians.

Zelenskyy Addresses Kharkiv Crisis

Zelenskyy met with his commanders to discuss the dire situation in Kharkiv. Despite the challenges, he noted some stabilization of the front. The Institute for the Study of War assessed that Russia would need a significantly larger force to capture Kharkiv, suggesting the offensive may be a strategy to draw Ukrainian forces away from the eastern front.

Chronic delays in Western support have left Ukraine under-supplied in ammunition. Delays in passing a new conscription law have also thinned Ukraine's fighting force.

RAND analyst Ann Marie Dailey explained that Ukraine has had to adopt more innovative battle strategies due to its inability to move aggressively on the front line.

Ukraine has conducted a drone strike campaign on Russian oil refineries and the Black Sea Fleet. While these actions show some success, they have little immediate impact on the front lines.

Ukrainian officials have renewed pleas to use US-supplied weapons on Russian soil, stating they were unable to strike when Russian forces massed at the border for the Kharkiv advance.

Calls for NATO Troops Intensify

Some observers, including French President Emmanuel Macron, suggest NATO reconsider sending troops to Ukraine to deter Putin. Hamish de Bretton Gordon echoed this sentiment, criticizing Western leaders for ruling out the possibility.

US officials believe that once military aid starts arriving, estimated around July, Ukraine may be able to reverse some of Russia's gains.

Analyst Michael Kofman noted that 2024 represents a critical window of opportunity for Russia. However, if the Russian military fails to capitalize on current advantages, this window may close as we enter 2025.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's decision to postpone international trips highlights Ukraine's severe challenges in its war with Russia. With the military situation deteriorating and Western support delayed, Ukraine is under immense pressure. The focus now shifts to the potential impact of forthcoming military aid and whether it can help Ukraine turn the tide in this critical conflict.

Written by: Staff Writers



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