BY Staff WritersMay 24, 2024
3 weeks ago
 | May 24, 2024
3 weeks ago

Child Among 9 Fatalities After Stage Collapse at Mexican Election Rally

Nine individuals lost their lives, among them a child, when strong winds led to a catastrophic stage collapse at an election rally in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

According to Daily Mail, the incident unfolded on a windy Wednesday night in the northern region of Mexico during a bustling campaign event for Citizens' Movement mayoral candidate Lorenia Canavati.

The rally was a closing event in the affluent suburb of San Pedro Garza Garcia and drew various political figures, including presidential hopeful Jorge Alvarez Maynez.

Nuevo Leon's meteorological service had earlier warned of severe weather conditions, predicting heavy rain and wind gusts reaching up to 70 kilometers per hour, possibly tornadoes. Despite these warnings, the event proceeded, setting the stage for the tragedy.

Chaos Unfolds as Weather Turns Treacherous

As attendees gathered, enjoying the spirited atmosphere, the situation swiftly turned perilous as the winds intensified. The structure supporting the stage could not withstand the gusts, causing it to collapse under the force. This led to lights and a giant screen toppling onto the crowd below, magnifying the extent of the calamity.

In a matter of moments, the rally site was transformed into a scene of devastation. Images and videos circulating on social media captured the sudden chaos, showcasing the panic that gripped the crowd as they scrambled for safety amidst sounds of crashing metal and cries for help.

Immediate Responses and Casualty Details

Emergency services rushed to the scene, where medical teams were seen moving bodies into vans. Security personnel, including soldiers, also navigated through the debris-strewn field littered with campaign poster remnants.

Governor Samuel Garcia, deeply affected by the event, confirmed the death toll. "I regret to report that so far the number of people killed in the accident stands at eight adults and one minor," he declared.

Jorge Alvarez Maynez, who was present at the rally, narrowly escaped serious injury. However, several members of his team weren't as fortunate and were hospitalized with injuries of unknown severity.

In the wake of the disaster, Maynez canceled his forthcoming campaign events and chose to remain at the scene, coordinating with emergency services and aiding in the immediate response efforts.

Political Figures Express Condolences and Support

The impact of the tragedy resonated throughout Mexico’s political landscape. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and other key figures like Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez expressed their condolences and solidarity.

In a poignant message shared on social media, President Obrador sent a heartfelt "hug to family members, friends of the victims and political supporters."

Other candidates such as Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez not only offered condolences but also adjusted their campaign schedules in light of the incident. Sheinbaum canceled a planned rally, while Galvez sent prayers and well-wishes for the recovery of the injured.

Investigations and The Path Forward

As the community begins to come to terms with the magnitude of the loss, questions about safety protocols and the decision to proceed with the rally despite severe weather warnings are likely to surface. The national conversation may pivot towards refining safety regulations for public events, especially with impending national elections.

Jorge Alvarez Maynez, sharing updates from a hospital, assured his followers of his well-being but stressed that the focus should remain on the victims. "I am fine and in communication with the authorities," he said, emphasizing that "the only important thing at this point" was the care and support for those affected.

Uniting in Grief and Recovery

While rattled, the community is beginning to mobilize a response that includes immediate medical help and longer-term support mechanisms for those impacted. In the coming days, we will likely see an outpouring of community assistance and national solidarity as the full impact of the tragedy is gradually comprehended.

Safety reviews and the response by political campaigns across the country to this event will be crucial features of the narratives that unfold as Mexico moves closer to its national elections scheduled for June 2.


In summary, a late-night rally in Nuevo Leon was struck by tragedy when a stage collapsed due to strong winds, claiming nine lives, including a child, and resulting in at least 50 injuries. Presidential candidate Jorge Alvarez Maynez and other political figures have suspended their campaign activities following the incident. The tragedy has united the political community and heightened calls for enhanced safety measures at public events.

Written by: Staff Writers



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