BY Staff WritersMay 23, 2024
3 weeks ago
 | May 23, 2024
3 weeks ago

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Biden Planned To 'Assassinate' Trump

New revelations show FBI agents were officially prepared to utilize "deadly force" in the contentious 2022 raid on Donald Trump’s Florida mansion.

As reported by Daily Mail, Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed that President Biden planned to assassinate Trump, reacting angrily to revelations that the FBI was prepared to use deadly force in the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Last year, on August 8, when Donald Trump was away at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey, FBI agents entered his Mar-a-Lago estate.

The operation, which spanned from 9 am to approximately 6:40 pm, led to the seizure of classified documents. Trump's legal team has since challenged the legality and constitutionality of the raid.

Specific instructions for the agents involved dressing in "unmarked polo or collared shirts" and is equipped with "standard issue weapons", "ammo", "handcuffs", and "medium and large size bolt cutters". These preparations underline the intense precautions taken during the operation.

In response to inquiries, the FBI stated to ABC News that the raid followed "standard protocol" for such operations, emphasizing that no special orders were given regarding the use of deadly force.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Raises Alarm Over Biden’s Involvement

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent Trump supporter, made striking accusations on social media platform X, claiming that the Biden Administration's Department of Justice and FBI had sinister motives in the raid that could have endangered Trump's life.

Greene's declarations included an assertion that the protocol shown by the FBI suggested a higher risk of lethal outcomes, not just for Trump but potentially for his family and even his Secret Service detail.

Her further comments potentiated questions about the intentions behind these preparations, "Were they going to shoot [Secret Service] then Pres Trump, Melania, and Barron too???" highlighting her concern for the safety of Trump and his family.

Legal and Political Repercussions Continue to Unfold

Post-raid investigations led to additional classified documents discovered within Trump's quarters in late 2022. Trump, subsequently charged with 37 criminal counts related to mishandling classified information, has vehemently denied all allegations, labeling the raid as "Illegal and UnConstitutional."

Despite the charges, Trump's trial has been indefinitely postponed. Judge Aileen Cannon cited ongoing pre-trial issues as the reason for the delay, leaving many wondering about the eventual outcome of this high-profile case.

Additionally, Trump has voiced severe criticism towards President Biden over these developments, suggesting on Truth Social that Biden poses a "serious threat to democracy" and calling his mental fitness into question.

Funding and Accountability in the Spotlight

Amidst these legal entanglements, Marjorie Taylor Greene harshly criticized Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for continuing to fund the DOJ and FBI.

Greene accused him of enabling these agencies by providing them with a budget and new facilities, and she expressed her dissatisfaction with her own party's leader.

Greene also called for the impeachment of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, demonstrating her deep discontent with how federal law enforcement has been handled under the Biden administration.

Not stopping there, she openly expressed her dissatisfaction with the Democrats, stating, "I tried to oust our Speaker who funded Biden’s DOJ AND FBI, but Democrats stopped it," indicating ongoing friction within and across party lines.


The unsealed documents from the Mar-a-Lago raid disclosed that deadly force was authorized, sparking significant controversy and claims from Trump and his allies, specifically Greene, about a potential assassination plan.

Greene criticized the support provided to the DOJ and FBI by the Republican leadership and called for significant changes in leadership in both the FBI and the DOJ. As the legal battles and political debates continue, the implications of these findings remain a pivotal point of national discussion.

Written by: Staff Writers



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