BY Staff WritersJune 18, 2024
1 week ago
 | June 18, 2024
1 week ago

Secret Service Member Robbed At Gunpoint During President's Visit To California

An off-duty Secret Service agent experienced a gunpoint robbery in Tustin, California, this past weekend.

The robbery coincided with a major Democratic fundraising event in Los Angeles, which featured President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama.

According to NBC News, the incident unfolded around 9:36 p.m. on Saturday when the agent, freshly off from a work-related assignment, was accosted by an unknown assailant. The location, Tustin, is known for its peaceful neighborhoods, making the event all the more shocking.

During the robbery, the assailant managed to overpower the agent momentarily, making off with the agent's bag. This bag contained not only personal items but potentially sensitive work-related materials, elevating the severity of the situation.

Reacting to the threat, the agent discharged their service weapon. It is currently unclear whether the shots fired struck the assailant as they fled the scene.

Secret Service In Response To On-Duty Threat

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesperson for the Secret Service, confirmed the details of the event. He highlighted the agent's quick response and weapon discharge as self-defense.

"The employee discharged their service weapon during the incident but unknown if the assailants were struck. We are thankful that the employee did not sustain any injuries," stated Guglielmi, emphasizing the relief that the agent emerged unharmed physically.

This incident feeds into larger concerns regarding the safety of personnel tasked with high-stakes jobs, especially in public or semi-public settings.

Local Law Enforcement and Secret Service Collaboration

Following the incident, local law enforcement was quick to arrive at the scene. The Tustin Police Department is now leading an investigation into the robbery, searching for the assailant, whose identity remains unknown.

The search efforts included combing the area for clues. Interestingly, police later discovered some of the agent’s belongings scattered near the site of the robbery, suggesting a possible rash escape by the perpetrator.

Despite the nature of the incident, the police have been tight-lipped about ongoing investigative details since their initial statements on Monday.

High-Profile Event as Background for Crime

The crime occurred amidst a significant political gathering in Los Angeles, where President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama attended a high-profile fundraiser. The event, graced by celebrities such as George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel, successfully raised over $30 million.

The juxtaposition of a high-stakes political event with a violent crime involving a member of the Secret Service underscores the unpredictable nature of security threats and the constant risks faced by individuals protecting national leaders.

Authorities have not disclosed the name of the agent involved in the robbery, maintaining a confidentiality policy for personnel in sensitive positions.

Investigation Continues Amidst National Attention

As national attention pivots to this case, the pressure mounts on local authorities to bring the assailant to justice. The Secret Service has expressed its commitment to supporting the ongoing investigation.

The Secret Service and local police are calling for anyone with information about the incident to come forward, hoping public assistance can help close this unsettling chapter.

The community remains alert and hopeful as the investigation progresses, with many people reassured by the rigorous response from the Secret Service and the Tustin Police Department.


In conclusion, the unexpected robbery of an off-duty Secret Service agent casts a shadow over what was otherwise a successful fundraising night.  The loss of personal and potentially sensitive items, coupled with the discharge of a service weapon, marks a stark reminder of the risks inherent in security work. The ongoing investigation by the Tustin Police, aided by the Secret Periences, a gunpoint robbery service, seeks to uncover the assailant responsible for this brazen act amidst a backdrop of political prominence and community concern.

Written by: Staff Writers



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