BY Staff WritersMay 22, 2024
1 month ago
 | May 22, 2024
1 month ago

Zelensky Continues Presidency Amid Ukraine's Martial Law

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on May 20 that he will remain in office while martial law is in effect, even though his official term has ended.

As reported by The UBJ, Martial law, instigated by Russia's attack on Ukraine, prevents any elections during this period, extending Zelensky's presidency.

Zelensky Announces Continuation of Presidency

During a Reuters interview on May 20, Zelensky emphasized that his presidency must continue as long as martial law persists in Ukraine. He stated that his five-year term is not yet complete, indicating the need for his leadership during these challenging times.

Without martial law, the next presidential election in Ukraine would be held on March 31, 2024, with Zelensky's term officially ending on May 20. However, the ongoing conflict has altered this timeline.

Martial law was imposed following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. This legal framework prohibits any presidential, parliamentary, or local elections during its enforcement.

Constitutional Debate Over Term Extension

Some have questioned the constitutionality of extending Zelensky’s term due to martial law. Critics argue that the Constitution does not support such an extension. However, constitutional law experts have defended the legitimacy of this extension, citing the extraordinary circumstances.

Zelensky finds it premature to assess his administration's performance after five years. He expressed pride in leading a nation whose citizens have shown remarkable courage and resilience in the face of danger.

Zelensky said regarding an evaluation of his term:

It would not be that ethical at the moment. Ukrainians have been waging a battle for their deepest convictions. Our struggle is incomplete; it’s not the conclusion of our narrative. Our focus should remain on advancing united towards a triumphant culmination.

Legal and Logistical Challenges for Elections

In March, Zelensky discussed postponing the presidential elections in an interview with Italian broadcaster Rai 1. He highlighted the necessity of making legislative adjustments to allow elections to occur during martial law.

One significant challenge is ensuring the voting rights of Ukrainians abroad and servicemen on the front lines. Zelensky emphasized the importance of providing voting capabilities for these groups, which number around 7 million people.

As of May, Zelensky has enacted a law to extend martial law and widespread mobilization from May 14 to August 11. This extension is part of the ongoing efforts to address the country's security and governance needs amid the conflict.

Continuing Leadership Amidst Criticism

The extension of Zelensky’s term has been met with mixed reactions. While some critics argue against it, others support his continued leadership, which is necessary for the country's stability during wartime.

Constitutional lawyers have pointed out that the Ukrainian Constitution allows for such measures under martial law. This interpretation supports the legal framework within which Zelensky's term extension operates.

Meanwhile, Zelensky remains focused on leading the country through these turbulent times. He acknowledges the ongoing struggle and emphasizes the need for unity and perseverance.

Impact on Future Elections

The postponement of elections due to martial law has significant implications for Ukraine's political landscape. The delay affects the presidential and parliamentary and local elections, reshaping the country's democratic processes.

Zelensky's administration must navigate these challenges while ensuring that the rights of all citizens, including those abroad and on the front lines, are upheld. This task involves both legal and logistical adjustments to accommodate the unique circumstances.

As Ukraine continues to defend its sovereignty, the extension of Zelensky's term underscores the complexities of governance during the conflict. The nation focuses on achieving a peaceful resolution and resuming its democratic processes.


President Volodymyr Zelensky's term has been extended due to the ongoing martial law in Ukraine, instigated by Russia's assault. This extension, supported by constitutional experts, highlights the legal and political challenges faced by the country. Despite criticism, Zelensky continues to lead, focusing on unity and resilience as Ukraine navigates these turbulent times. The postponed elections and extended martial law underscore the broader implications for Ukraine's democratic future.

Written by: Staff Writers



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