BY Staff WritersJune 14, 2024
2 weeks ago
 | June 14, 2024
2 weeks ago

Goldie Hawn Considers Leaving Los Angeles After Home Burglaries

Hollywood veteran Goldie Hawn has been forced to significantly adjust her security arrangements after her Los Angeles home was burglarized twice within four months.

Breitbart News reported that facing growing concerns over her safety, Hawn has now employed 24/7 security to safeguard her everyday life.

After two consecutive burglaries at her Los Angeles residence, actress Goldie Hawn now considers leaving the city permanently in search of safety.

The burglaries were a major talking point during a recent episode of Kelly Ripa’s Let’s Talk Off Camera podcast, underscoring a rising wave of crimes in an area once regarded as one of L.A.'s safest neighborhoods.

Hawn's Shift to Palm Desert: A Quest for Security

Responding to these traumatic events, Hawn has moved 131 miles away to Palm Desert, California. This move was motivated by a desire to find a more secure living environment away from the crime-riddled regions of Los Angeles.

“I couldn’t believe it, ‘What is happening here?'” reflected Hawn on the podcast, frankly discussing the shocking experience of having her personal space violated not once, but twice.

Safety has become a paramount concern for Hawn, who expressed a newfound sense of security in Palm Desert. She stated feeling "good" about her decision, especially when supported by a full-time security guard, with whom she has developed a "nice working relationship."

Celebrities Flee California Amid Rising Crime Rates

The actress's decision mirrors a broader trend among celebrities relocating from California to states perceived as safer and perhaps with more favorable fiscal policies.

High-profile names such as Jim Carrey, Mark Wahlberg, Sylvester Stallone, and Matt Damon have opted for Nevada and Texas over California's escalating crime and other socio-economic issues.

"I’m never without a guard … especially when I’m alone," Hawn disclosed, highlighting the severe impact crime has had on her lifestyle and habits.

This trend is substantiated by statistics showing that California has witnessed over 500,000 people relocating between 2020 and 2022, marking it the fourth-highest state in population decrease in the United States during this period.

A Pattern of Celebrity Relocations Highlights Larger Issues

This mass migration isn't only about personal safety; it underscores significant commentary on the state's ability to protect and retain its residents, particularly those from high-profile sectors.

The repealing allure of California, once an epitome of the American dream, poses questions on various socio-political levels.

Hawn and Russell have traditionally maintained multiple residences, including homes in LA's Pacific Palisades and Malibu and properties in Colorado and New York City.

Their ability to relocate is emblematic of broader concerns that could affect California's economic and social fabric.

As more celebrities and high-net-worth individuals call places like Palm Desert their new home, the focus sharpens on how states like California will address the underlying issues prompting such exodus.

Conclusion: Hawn's Experience Reflects a Growing Trend

Goldie Hawn’s move from Los Angeles to Palm Desert highlights her struggle with repeated burglaries and reflects a larger pattern of migration among celebrities leaving California.

Her hiring of 24/7 security underscores the gravity of safety concerns that have exacerbated this trend. As these concerns mount, they prompt significant questions about public safety measures and the socioeconomic impact of such migrations on California’s future.

Written by: Staff Writers



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