BY Staff WritersJune 15, 2024
1 week ago
 | June 15, 2024
1 week ago

Biden Expresses Continued Pride for Son Despite Conviction, Says Pardon Will Not Happen

In a significant development, a Delaware jury has found Hunter Biden guilty on all charges in a gun-related trial this Tuesday, and his father has weighed in on the situation.

Joe Biden's expressions of support and his thoughts about a possible pardon mark a crucial juncture in the legal challenges that have enveloped his son, as Fox News reports.

The verdict in Hunter's trial was delivered after a closely watched trial, with the defendant now facing the possibility of up to 25 years in prison.

Although the maximum sentence is severe, it is not anticipated that the first son will receive the full amount of potential incarceration.

These conviction unfolded amid the broader political and international engagements of his father, President Joe Biden.

Presidential Meeting with Ukraine's Leader Amid Crisis

Parallel to domestic troubles, President Joe Biden was engaged on the international stage, attending the G7 summit in Italy. It was here that President Biden and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a significant joint agreement, as Ukraine perseveres in its defense against ongoing Russian aggression.

This agreement was a focal point of the summit, highlighting the enduring partnership and support between the United States and Ukraine.

Following the signing, an impromptu press session was held where both leaders fielded questions from the global media.

Press Focus Shifts from Ukrainian Crisis to Biden Trials

The interaction with the press turned personal when President Biden was questioned by an Associated Press reporter.

The questions not only touched on the critical issue of U.S. weaponry in Russia but also veered into the personal domain, addressing the recent conviction of Hunter Biden.

In his response, President Biden made clear his stance on his son’s legal matters.

“I’m extremely proud of my son, Hunter. He has overcome an addiction. He’s one of the brightest, most decent men I know. And I am satisfied that I’m not going to do anything. I said, I said, I’d abide by the jury decision. I will do that, and I will not pardon him,” Biden stated, expressing his respect for the judicial process and his resolve to not interfere.

Discussion on Gaza Diverts Attention from Summit’s Main Agenda

The press conference was not restricted to the Ukraine crisis or Hunter Biden’s trial. Questions also gravitated toward the ongoing conflict in Gaza. President Biden expressed his frustration over the shift in discussion, emphasizing the significance of the issues being addressed at the summit.

“I wish you guys would play by the keys a little bit. I’m here to talk about a critical situation in Ukraine. You’re asking another subject,” Biden remarked.

He further elaborated on the Gaza situation, underscoring an agreement supported by the U.N. Security Council and G7, although Hamas had not agreed to it.

“Whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be seen," he added. "We're going to continue to push. I don't have a final answer for you.”


The G7 summit in Italy was marked by a blend of both political and personal narratives for President Biden.

While significant strides were made in international diplomacy with the agreement with Ukraine, domestic concerns also surfaced prominently due to Hunter Biden's legal issues.

Amid these developments, the president maintained a stance of non-interference concerning his son’s legal proceedings, but whether that position will hold is something that remains to be seen.

Written by: Staff Writers



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