BY Samantha Chang, The Western JournalMay 8, 2023
1 year ago
 | May 8, 2023
1 year ago

Former Clinton Adviser: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Opening a Door That Trump Could Easily Walk Through

Political consultant Dick Morris says Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might be giving a boost to former President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign by splintering his party in an unusual way.

Kennedy, the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of former Attorney General Robert Kennedy, announced his candidacy last month. The move gives Democrats an alternative to President Joe Biden -- one that is not welcome by the establishment.

The time-tested "divide-and-conquer" strategy — which Democrats have used for decades by shamelessly weaponizing race to sow division — could help Trump punch his ticket back to the Oval Office, Morris said on Newsmax's "Saturday Report."

The key, he said, is uniting the political left and right against the center.

"The left and the right agree with each other on a lot of stuff, and they disagree with the center, the establishment, the deep state, the surveillance society -- call it what you will," Morris said.

"And I think that there are, there is a tremendous politics here: a fusion of the left and the right. And Bobby Kennedy, I think, is opening the door to it. And I think Donald Trump could walk through it."

Morris is a longtime Democrat who advised former President Bill Clinton for 20 years, including helping him win re-election in 1996. Accordingly, he's familiar with the left's election playbook.

The political strategist, who has since switched to the GOP, underscored that Trump does not need to be loveable in order to unite Republicans and dissatisfied Democrats who are disgusted with the runaway inflation, unprecedented border crisis and terrifying crime waves that have become emblematic of Biden's dumpster-fire presidency.

"You don't need somebody warm and fuzzy and nice to build the coalition," Morris said.

"You need somebody strong and independent and determined to resist their propaganda and barrel through their vulnerabilities and expose the center and talk about the virtue of the positions that the left and right are sharing in common," he said.

Morris said there are key issues on which the left and the right agree, and the 45th president should harness that to galvanize bipartisan support -- even among voters who don't like his personality.

Many Americans agree with Trump's scathing criticisms of the corporate media, invasive government surveillance, the unelected deep state, establishment politicians from both parties and the military-industrial complex that perpetuates endless wars.

Kennedy will be campaigning on many of those issues in the Democratic primary.

As he did in 2016, the former president could present himself as a firebrand who's unafraid to take on the corrupt, entrenched establishment -- as Kennedy is doing with his own campaign.

"On a host of those issues and many, many more, the left and the right essentially agree, and they disagree with the establishment that's in the center that wants to protect those powers," Morris said. "Donald Trump is uniquely positioned to deal with that.

"He gets all or most of his money from small donations. He doesn't get much from big donors, so he's independent financially. He doesn't like the people in the power structures. He hates the [Food and Drug Administration]. He hates the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] because he's dealt with them.

"He has all kinds of negative things to say about the intel community because they persecuted him. And he has the independence and the standing and the power to forge this relationship between the left and the right."


The political consultant said a winning strategy for Trump would be to focus on how voters from across the political spectrum could unite to disrupt the entrenched power structure, which has repeatedly failed to serve the American people.

"I think he should be talking about a lot of issues with both of them [having] the same thing in common, and make common cause against the establishment and against the center," Morris said.

The bestselling author said Trump should use the politics of nuclear fusion to unite the left and the right.

"We use nuclear fission to generate power in nuclear energy where — and we do the same thing in politics — where we split an atom, it splits other atoms, and it causes a chain reaction that leads to an explosion," he told Newsmax.

"That's how we govern our politics. We divide. We used the division to generate energy."

He continued: "But there's also nuclear fusion, where you bring stuff together and you combine two helium atoms, and that generates a best amount of power and very few byproducts.

"It seems to me that the political world is round, not linear. It's not right, right-center, center-left, left, on the continuum. It's a circular process."

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Written by: Samantha Chang, The Western Journal



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