BY Staff WritersDecember 13, 2023
7 months ago
 | December 13, 2023
7 months ago

Kamala Harris' Husband Deletes Hanukkah Post

In a recent social media misstep, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, faced criticism after sharing an inaccurate account of the Hanukkah story.

Emhoff's post about the Hanukkah story, laden with historical inaccuracies, led to widespread mockery and its eventual deletion.

The second gentleman, distinguished as the first Jewish individual to occupy the role in U.S. history, aimed to share the story of Hanukkah on social media. He intended to highlight the themes of hope and resilience within the Jewish community. The post was made on the fifth night of Hanukkah on Dec. 11, during the annual celebration lasting from Dec. 8 through 15.

The Misrepresentation of Jewish History

Emhoff's post, however, contained multiple errors about the actual Hanukkah story. He incorrectly stated that during Hanukkah, Jewish people were forced into hiding and that their oil lasted for eight days during this period. This misinterpretation deviates significantly from the traditional Hanukkah narrative.

The true story of Hanukkah dates back to the 2nd century BC in Israel, where the Jewish Maccabees triumphed over the Syrian-Greek occupiers. This victory allowed them to reclaim the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, a significant event in Jewish history.

Upon reclaiming the Temple, the Maccabees discovered only a small amount of pure oil, enough to burn for one night. Miraculously, this oil burned for eight nights, a central element of the Hanukkah celebration. The holiday's name, Hanukkah, meaning "dedication," refers to the rededication of the Temple to Jewish worship after pagan rituals had desecrated it.

Online Reaction and Media Coverage

The inaccuracies in Emhoff's post did not go unnoticed. The online community quickly reacted, leading to widespread mockery of his depiction of Hanukkah. This response highlights the sensitivity and importance of accurately representing historical and cultural stories, especially in a digital age where misinformation can spread rapidly.

Media outlets, including Breitbart News, covered the story extensively, focusing on the gaffe by the second gentleman. The attention drawn to Emhoff's post emphasizes the impact of social media in shaping public discourse and the accountability of public figures in their online presence.

Emhoff's version of the Hanukkah story, shared in his now-deleted post, was a significant departure from the traditional narrative. He stated:

The story of Hanukkah and the story of the Jewish people has always been one of hope and resilience. In the Hanukkah story, the Jewish people were forced into hiding. No one thought they would survive or that the few drops of oil they had would last. But they survived and the oil kept burning. During those eight days in hiding, they recited their prayers and continued their traditions. That’s why Hanukkah means dedication. It was during those dark nights that the Maccabees dedicated themselves to maintaining hope and faith in the oil, each other, and their Judaism.

The Importance of Accurate Historical Representation

The significance of Emhoff's error is underscored by his position as the first Jewish Second Gentleman. His role carries the expectation of a deeper understanding and accurate representation of Jewish history and traditions.

The Hanukkah story, a symbol of Jewish perseverance and faith, has been passed down through generations. It is a reminder of the struggle against oppression and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight nights, contrary to Emhoff's portrayal of the events.

Emhoff's interpretation, suggesting that the Jewish people were in hiding during Hanukkah and focusing on their survival against the odds, strays from the core message of the holiday. The actual story celebrates a military victory and a spiritual miracle, aspects that were absent in his social media posts.

Reflection on the Incident

The incident has sparked a discussion about the responsibility of public figures in sharing cultural and historical narratives.

It raises questions about the role of social media in disseminating information and the importance of fact-checking, especially for those in influential positions.

Emhoff's post was being widely discussed and critiqued, so he deleted it. This action was likely a response to the criticism and a recognition of the post's inaccuracies.


Emhoff's misstep, while significant, also opens up a dialogue about the importance of understanding and respecting diverse cultural histories. It is a call for mindful communication in an era where social media has the power to amplify messages instantaneously.

  • Doug Emhoff's inaccurate Hanukkah post led to widespread mockery and was eventually deleted.
  • Emhoff, as the first Jewish second gentleman, faced criticism for misrepresenting a key Jewish historical event.
  • The incident underscores the importance of accuracy in digital communication, especially for public figures.
Written by: Staff Writers



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