BY Staff WritersJune 26, 2024
3 days ago
 | June 26, 2024
3 days ago

North Dakota Ex-Senator Admits Guilt In Europe Minor Sex Scandal

According to Daily Mail, former Senator Ray Holmberg is to plead guilty to charges involving traveling to Prague to participate in sexual misconduct with minors using public funds.

Ray Holmberg's political career extended from 1976 until his resignation in 2022. Throughout these years, he held significant positions, including the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. His long stint made him the longest-serving state senator in the U.S.

The downturn of his career began unfolding publicly in April 2022 when Holmberg resigned. This decision came after allegations surfaced regarding his communication with Nicholas James Morgan-Derosier, who was convicted of child sexual abuse crimes.

Holmberg, aged 80, had been under the judicial radar since last year when he pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.

However, recent developments saw Holmberg signing a plea agreement last week, acknowledging his travel to Prague for illegal activities with minors.

Indictment and Plea Agreement Details Revealed

Last Monday, the filed documents at the North Dakota U.S. District Court marked a significant turn in this high-profile legal battle.

According to these documents, from June 2011 to November 2016, Holmberg traveled multiple times to Prague with the intent of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with minors.

Furthermore, between November 2012 and March 2013, he was also implicated in charges concerning the receipt or attempted receipt of child pornography.

These activities led to his indictment by a grand jury in October, with a trial initially set for this coming September.

According to the plea deal, prosecutors have proposed a sentencing range of three to four years in prison while agreeing to dismiss additional charges related to child sexual abuse material. Moreover, Holmberg will be mandated to register as a sex offender.

Financial Misconduct Using Taxpayer Dollars

Holmberg's travels weren't entirely personal or secretive. Records indicate that he used public funds from the North Dakota Legislature to finance his trips to various countries through the Global Bridges teacher exchange program based in Germany. This included multiple trips to Prague during the time frames under scrutiny.

These trips arranged by Holmberg and funded using taxpayer money totaled nearly $142,000—expenses supposedly aimed at facilitating educational exchanges. Following the revelations, The North Global School Boards Association returned approximately $142,000 to the state.

This misuse of public funds adds a layer of gravity to Holmberg’s charges, extending beyond moral failings to significant breaches of public trust and financial misconduct.

Community and Legal Responses

The case has elicited reactions from various quarters, emphasizing a breach of trust and the egregious nature of the crimes. InForum summarized the allegations, stating that Holmberg specifically traveled "with the intent to engage in illicit sexual activities with minors."

Additionally, prosecutors have not minced words, detailing repeated trips by Holmberg to Prague for reasons entirely unbecoming of an elected official.

Holmberg, however, gave a rather nondescript explanation concerning his interactions with Morgan-Derosier, as reported by The Forum. He claimed the exchanges covered "a variety of things," including mundane things like patio work carried out by Morgan-Derosier.


Ray Holmberg's fall from grace from a respected, long-serving senator to a convict underscores a drastic demise, catalyzed by severe allegations and confirmed by his admission of guilt. The case not only shatters the trust of the constituents but also serves as a stern reminder of the responsibilities and scrutiny public servants face.

With monetary restitution and a plea agreement in place, the legal chapter of this story is close to closure, albeit with lasting ramifications on the community and political landscape of North Dakota.

Written by: Staff Writers



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