BY Staff WritersJune 9, 2024
1 week ago
 | June 9, 2024
1 week ago

Gun Store Clerk Testifies Hunter Biden Appeared Unimpaired During Purchase

A gun store employee testified last week that Hunter Biden appeared sober while purchasing a revolver during his ongoing trial on federal firearms charges.

Hunter Biden's day in court and the store worker's claims could shed light on the veracity of accusations that the president's son bought a gun while supposedly addicted to illicit substances, as the New York Post reports.

The son of the current U.S. president stands accused of illegally purchasing a firearm while he was allegedly struggling with crack cocaine addiction.

The trial has garnered significant public interest, given the high-profile nature of the defendant and the serious allegations against him.

The focal point of the purchase was at StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply in Wilmington, Delaware, on Oct. 12, 2018. Here, according to testimony, Biden procured a .38-caliber Colt Cobra revolver. This purchase has become the nucleus of the allegations against him.

Store Clerk’s Crucial Testimony

Gordon Cleveland, the salesperson who dealt with Biden, played a pivotal role in court. He stated under oath that during the transaction, Hunter Biden did not exhibit any signs of drug or alcohol influence. Cleveland recounted he habitually checks for indicators such as glassy eyes and the smell of alcohol or drugs among customers.

"Not at all," Cleveland answered when asked if Biden seemed under the influence. His testimony is critical, considering the prosecution's claim that Biden could maintain a normal appearance while using narcotics.

This vital claim was preceded by a rigorous cross-examination wherein defense attorney Abbe Lowell probed Cleveland about his ability and procedure for assessing sobriety in customers.

Despite the challenging questions, Cleveland maintained his initial observation about Biden's sober state during the gun purchase.

Additional Witnesses and Evidence Presented

Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden's onetime sister-in-law and former lover, also appeared in court. Her testimony is touted to add another layer of perspective on Biden's state around the time of the purchase.

Further complicating the evidentiary landscape, Edward Banner, a retiree, found himself unexpectedly playing a part in this high-profile trial. Banner found the discussed revolver discarded in a trash bin, an event confirmed by surveillance footage that captured him at the scene. His testimony, “That sure looks like me," recognized his figure in the video.

Following Banner's testimony, Prosecutor Derek Hines directed questions meant to underpin the defense's possible rebuttal concerning cocaine residue found in connection with the gun. This included clarifying Banner's non-involvement with cocaine, to which Banner responded, "Not that I know of.”

Delaware State Police Involvement

In addition to civilian testimonies, Delaware State Police officers gave their accounts related to the investigation of the missing gun once owned by Hunter Biden. This part of the trial highlights law enforcement's interactive role in tracing the sequence of how the gun went missing and was subsequently discovered.

The court also reviewed forensic evidence suggesting the potential connection of cocaine residue to Hunter Biden, adding a complex layer to the array of testimonies indicating his various interactions while allegedly under the influence.

Zoe Kestan Comments on Hunter’s Demeanor

Hunter Biden’s ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan provided a different viewpoint, commenting on his ability to appear unaffected in public settings despite his drug use. She said, "It’s crazy his demeanor doesn’t seem to be changing," echoing the theme that Biden could conceal his drug use effectively.

This observation aligns with the prosecution's strategy to present Biden as someone capable of masking his true condition while engaging in legal and social activities, such as purchasing a firearm.

Conclusion of a Complex Case

The trial of Hunter Biden sheds light on the intricate dance of personal challenges against the backdrop of public scrutiny.

Testimonies so far vary from firsthand observations of his demeanor to forensic analyses linked to drug use. As the jury deliberates, the eyes of the nation remain fixed on the outcome of a seemingly straightforward gun purchase entangled with layers of personal and legal complexities.

Written by: Staff Writers



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